Let no child go hungry

your support will help the world rise against hunger

Food donation for needy

Donate your offerings for food needy people 

Want to feed the right person
Here we are!

Feed the needy

At Save A Life Charitable Trust, we connect hungry children with food when they would otherwise go hungry. While there are numerous feeding programs for children in the region, Save A Life Charitable Trust strives to fills the gap between hunger and enough.
food donation for needy people, food donation,
food donation for needy people, food donation,

Helping hand

Our goal is to break the cycle of poverty. That requires a movement of sorts. It is impossible to lead a normal life when you are hungry

Join with us!

Let’s ensure that no child goes to bed without food – therefore, DONATE. It’s time to show your compassion to the orphan children. Donate for a living! Help us to provide nutritious meals to impoverished kids that go hungry, and raise awareness on the significance of child hunger in the region.
food donation for needy people, food donation,

DOnating Everyday

Food donation, poor child food donation charitable trust save a life charitable trust, education trust, cancer treatment
Food donation, poor child food donation charitable trust save a life charitable trust, education trust, cancer treatment
Food donation, poor child food donation charitable trust save a life charitable trust, education trust, cancer treatment
Food donation, poor child food donation charitable trust save a life charitable trust, education trust, cancer treatment
Food donation, poor child food donation charitable trust save a life charitable trust, education trust, cancer treatment
Food donation, poor child food donation charitable trust save a life charitable trust, education trust, cancer treatment