Cancer treatment

Life beyond Cancer
Your support will fight Cancer and save precious lives

All Cancer Patients

One of the dreadful diseases in recent times is cancer and it could be controlled with early detection, proper medication, surgery, and therapy. The extent of help required for these patients is phenomenal both emotionally and financially. Most of the patients undergoing this treatment do it beyond their capacity. This is where SALCT pitches in as a beacon of hope for the underprivileged cancer patients.

cancer patients, cancer treatment, cancer charity, cancer funding

They need your help

As families, friends, and well-wishers come forward, you would be surprised how many good souls come in aid to help these patients in supporting their treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients.

Raising Funds For Cancer Treatment

We raise funds online here to treat the patients to fight cancer. We strongly believe in “We you can” phenomenon. We urge the kind souls to support and donate for the treatment of such identified cancer patients. Let us ensure that we lose no life to cancer due to lack of funds.

cancer patients, cancer treatment, cancer charity, cancer funding